Montag, 19. März 2012

An Apple a Day......

Taking the time to take care of ME!
                        Harder said than done!  Know what I mean?  Here we are constantly taking care of everyone else, yet when it comes to us—what happens?  Right! Not much.  We are either too busy...too tired...or too something-or-other.  But when it comes right down to it:  „Me“ is important.  And it’s important that we pay more attention to the „ME“ inside.  Even little things like not standing at the sink doing dishes and simultaneously trying to „enjoy“ a cup of coffee.  I mean, get real!  Are we really THAT busy?  I think we need to sit down and let those 10 minutes of enjoyment wash over us. Those 10 minutes just might save my sanity.  And lets face, it a little more enjoyment in the day benefits not only myself but everyone around me too.  And that makes Life so much better!  Hey get out there and enjoy that well deserved break!  Have a great day!

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