Montag, 7. Mai 2012

A"Ha" Effect...

Hey Ladies, I think it’s safe to say that as we mature we wouldn’t mind retaining our youthful look and energy!  I mean minimizing “crow’s feet” for example would be cool right?  Well, there are about a zillion creams etc out there all promising just that.  But you know what?  About a year ago I got to know more about something called “hyaluronic acid” or HA for short.  This HA is a fantastic substance that –now get this—we all have cruising around in our body anyway.  The only problem (yea, I know, there always seems to be a catch) as I was saying, the only problem is that over time our body produces less and less and less of HA—hence the wrinkles.  HA is responsible for keeping our skin young and healthy (in other words, wrinkle free!)  Want to know more?  Drop me an email or check back next week Monday, for another “Apple a Day” post! (Grin) 

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